Let Your Good Work Overflow From Your Worth in Christ

1 min readMar 12, 2021

To live a life of purpose and fulfillment, it’s so vital to know that your worth is not found in your work, but in who you are. You are valued and loved by God your Creator. Your good work overflows from experiencing how much you are loved by Him.

✨ Happy International Women’s Day! Ladies, may we continue to remind each other of our worth and of how much we are loved. I appreciate each and everyone of those whom I call sisters…those who bless my soul and encourage me by their lives. 🙏🏼💖

There are so many women who still don’t recognize or appreciate how precious and valuable they are and so make so many wrong choices believing they don’t deserve any better. 💖 Tell them the truth that they are precious, valued and loved.

Scripture reading: Proverbs 31:10–31

​ — — — — — — ✨I love having conversations about spiritual stuff. 💬 Would love to hear from you if you have questions about who Jesus Christ is or if you have private prayer requests. DM me privately on Instagram @sireeorsara. 🏠Follow me on Clubhouse @sireesara ✨ More info about me and my work at https://linktr.ee/coachsiree




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